A Step by Step Guide on Colour Scheme in Graphic Design

Safalta Expert Published by: Trisha Bharati Updated Mon, 29 Aug 2022 12:04 PM IST

Do you know there is a colour which you can’t see? Yup! You read the sentence correctly. VENTABLACK is the newly invented colour which is so dark as it appears to be a black hole. Do colours fascinate you too? Do you want to make your career in designing where you can play and explore with infinite colours? Then you have landed in the right place. Presenting the best online Graphic Designing Course where you will learn a lot and can build a professional career which suits you. 

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The importance of colour in a design cannot be overstated. Without using words, colour may elicit feelings, sentiments, or even physical activity. So how can we determine what colours work well together? The solution is found in graphic design colour theory! Let's know about the colour scheme in detail. 

Understand Colour Scheme in Graphic Designing 

Colour might create confusion among the individual. Color's greatest strength is its capacity to arouse emotions and cause people to feel things, but because colours frequently have several meanings, it can be difficult to understand their significance in graphic design at first. Let's look at their symbolism as well as the feelings they arouse.

Colour Theory in Graphic Design, Red

Red belongs to the "Warm" colour family and tends to arouse strong emotions, including anger and love! This is demonstrated by the fact that crimson is utilised in both images of devils and Cupid, an angel of love.

We sometimes use red as a warning of danger or even to scold someone, such as marking items incorrectly with a giant red "X," since it has also been linked to power and imagery of fire, bloodshed, and conflict. Red can also be viewed as a status symbol, as when it is worn to red carpet events or when red rubies are mentioned.

Colour Theory in Graphic Design, Yellow

One of the brightest and most energetic warm colours is yellow, which is also a warm colour. It frequently evokes feelings of joy and sunlight. However, because it's frequently employed in construction moans, it may also be used to indicate a warning or caution. When you want to instantly draw attention to a space or give it a brilliant burst of positive energy, choose yellow. Yello is also fantastic for use in more contemporary or industrial themes! Use a more subdued yellow if you feel the one you're using to be too strong and brilliant.

Colour Theory in Graphic Design, Blue

When utilising blue, keep in mind that the precise shade you choose will have the biggest impact on how people will react to your design. Dark blues, like navy, are excellent for business designs where dependability is a defining characteristic. Light blues are frequently tranquil, brilliant blues may be invigorating or even energetic.

Colour Theory in Graphic Design, Orange

Due to its brightness and vibrancy, orange has a comparable energising effect to that of yellow but is considerably more muted. Orange is frequently used on food labels and other cooking-related items (including recipe apps for smartphones) since it is believed to make people hungry.

While orange in its purest form is vivid and dazzling, more subdued variations will make people feel warm and will remind them of fall foliage. It may be perfect for designs that wish to evoke a "cosy" and pleasant vibe. Orange can be a more effective warm hue to utilise than red since it has all the vibrancy and intensity of red without the colour's potentially hostile meaning.

Colour Theory in Graphic Design, Green

Unsurprisingly, the cool-toned hue green is associated with the earth and will evoke ideas of nature that represent rebirth and plenty. As seen by the expression "green with envy," green may also stand for enmity and hatred.

Following the "plenty" motif, green may represent riches, particularly in nations where the colour of the national money is green. Green has a comparable relaxing impact to blue while also containing some of the yellow's energetic tones. Green will be more energetic the brighter it is. Dark greens are the most stable and symbolic of riches, whereas muted and olive greens work best in naturalistic designs.

Colour Theory in Graphic Design, Purple

Purple dyes were exceedingly expensive to produce and difficult to locate before modern dyes were developed, making them exclusively accessible to royalty and the affluent. Dark purples have a rich history of representing monarchy and prosperity.

In contrast to red, which arouses more ardent love, lighter purples, like lavender, are often linked with tenderness and a more sensitive romantic love.

What three colour schemes are there?

Three of the most popular colour schemes are complementary, split complementary, and triadic. To prevent the colour scheme from becoming overly cluttered, it is also recommended to select one major colour and additional colours as an accent or supporting colour.


What colours work well together?

A coherent design will always be created with complementary hues. A natural hue like beige, black, or white combined with an accent colour, however, will always work.

What shade blends perfectly with every hue?

Black and white blend well with all other colours and go with any colour scheme. Using black or white as your main colour will make the accent colour stand out more if you choose one other colour to be your accent colour.


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