English Language Quiz (Parajumble)- 23-February -2022

Safalta Experts Published by: Annu Chaudhary Updated Wed, 23 Feb 2022 04:38 PM IST

Directions (1-10) : In the following questions, the Ist and the last sentence/part of the passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the passage/sentences are split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the passage/sentences and find out which of the four combinations is correct. Then find the correct answer.

Source: English Quiz

Que1- 1. Fires in the Steppes or bushes scared humans earlier.
P. Gradually, they learnt to appreciate the power of fire.
Q. It gave them light and warmth and kept away wild animals.
R. About 700,000 years ago, humans started fire accidentally by lightning.
S. They could harden the tips of wooden spears and cook meat in it.
6. Soon they learnt to produce fire by striking flintstone and pyrite with each other or by rubbing lumbers.

(a) PQSR
(b) PQRS
(c) QRSP
(d) QSPR

Que2- 1. There are a lot of ways to communicate speaking, singing, clapping, hooting.
P. Even animals communicate with one another.
Q. Only humans can express their thoughts and feelings in words because of our superior brain.
R. Both humans and animals also communicate through body language
S. But their ways differ from the humans. 
6. Sometimes we don’t use words but make gestures (like traffic signs) or simple movements of the hand in order to communicate.
(a) QPRS
(b) PQRS
(c) PSQR
(d) PRSQ

Que3. 1. Sherlock Holmes is the
P. who is in a state of grace
Q. is raised to the status.
R. because in him scientific curiosity
S. exceptional individual
6. of a heroic passion.
(a) SRQP
(b) SPRQ
(c) RPSQ
(d) PRQS

Que4. 1. The goals of our present system
P. schooling is to prepare
Q. students for the examination system
R. which will take them to the
S. of primary and secondary
6. best technical institutions in the country.
(a) QPRS
(b) PRQS
(c) PSQR
(d) SPQR

Que5. 1. Egotism is the most common fault of mankind.
P. However, with time it becomes an exaggerated form of self display.
Q. It is the product of a perfectly natural desire to display oneself.
R. This is necessary as it impairs the personality and frustrates all efforts at self improvement.
S. Beyond any shadow of doubt, it is a defect that ought to be constantly hunted down, and scotched.
6. One should always be on guard not to give into egotism.
(a) PSRQ
(b) PQRS
(c) QPSR
(d) RSPQ

Que6. 1. When the Impressionists
P. they made them look like
Q. everyday and often putting
R. people you would see
S. painted pictures of people
6. more emphasis on the scene.
(a) SRQP
(b) PRQS
(c) SPRQ
(d) RQPS

Que7. 1. Science is concerned with finding out how things actually happen.
P. He showed that a light object falls to the ground at the same rate as a heavy object.
Q. It does not mean laying down principles as to how they ought to happen.
R. This did not agree with the views of most learned men of that time.
S. The most famous example of this concerns Galileo’s discovery about falling bodies.
6. But Galileo proved his point experimentally by dropping weights from the Leaning Tower of Pisa.
(a) PSQR
(b) QSPR
(c) RQPS
(d) SQPR

Que8. 1. After inventing dynamite, Alfred Nobel became a rich man.
P. He created a fund just two weeks before his death.
Q. Alfred did not want to be remembered as the inventor of dynamite.
R. He apprehended its universally destructive power too late.
S. Prizes are given from this fund to people for their enormous contributions to humanity.
6. Nobel prizes for various disciplines are awarded each year on the anniversary of his death.
(a) PQRS
(b) RQPS
(c) QPSR
(d) SPQR

Que9. 1. The pungent vapour that is released
P. which make our eyes stream and nose run,
Q. contains irritant chemicals
R. when we chop onions
S. eases congestion as well as
6. flushes out virus particles.
(a) RQPS
(b) QPRS
(c) SQPR
(d) QRPS

Que10. 1. Miss Sullivan led Helen into her room and gave her a doll.
P. Helen was simply making her fingers go in monkey-like imitation.
Q. Miss Sullivan tried to make Helen understand that ‘d-o-ll’ applied to both.
R. Miss Sullivan spelled the word ‘d-o-l-l’ on to Helen’s hand.
S. Miss Sullivan put her big rag doll into her lap and also spelled ‘d-o-l-l’.
6. Her teacher had been with her several weeks before Helen understood that everything has a name.
(a) SRPQ
(b) QPSR
(c) RPSQ
(d) PSQR


Ans -1 . (a) PQSR

2. (c) PSQR

3. (b) SPRQ

4. (d) SPQR

5. (c) QPSR

6. (c) SPRQ

7. (b) QSPR

8. (b) RQPS

9. (a) RQPS

10. (c) RPSQ

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