English Language Quiz ( Idioms and Phrase) 23- March-2022

Safalta Experts Published by: Annu Chaudhary Updated Wed, 23 Mar 2022 11:48 AM IST

Direction : In the following questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase in bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase given in bold

Source: English Quiz

1.To shed crocodile tears
(a) to weep profusely
(b) to pretend grief
(c) to grieve seriously
(d) to mock something

2. by putting two and two together
(a) to mix several things
(b) to make an arithmetical calculation
(c) to keep people in pairs
(d) to deduce from given facts

3. to go scot-free
(a) to walk like a native of Scotland
(b) to get something free
(c) to escape without punishment
(d) to save tax

4. at the eleventh hour
(a) at eleven O’clock
(b) at the wrong time
(c) at the last possible moment
(d) at the initial moment itself.

5.birds of the same feather
(a) persons of same caste
(b) persons of same colour
(c) birds with same type of feather
(d) persons of same character

6. to fight tooth and nail
(a) to fight a losing battle
(b) to fight heroically
(c) to fight cowardly
(d) to make every possible effort 

7 to call a spade a spade
(a) to be frank
(b) to be sly
(c) to be rude
(d) to be diplomatic

8. a white elephant
(a) an extinct species of elephant found in Burma
(b) a report by the government to give information
(c) huge and colossal waste of human energy
(4) costly and troublesome possession useless to its owner

9. to miss the bus
(a) to miss the bus that one regularly takes
(b) to miss an opportunity
(c) to have something to fall back upon
(d) to find fault with others

10.As a businessman, my father always maintained that his transactions constituted an open book.
(a) an account book always open
(b) a book of open confessions
(c) an opening for new ventures
(d) straight forward and honest dealings


Ans-1 to shed crocodile tears : to pretend to be sad about something but is not really sad at all 
The child wasn’t really sad, but she shed crocodile tears anyway.
The best option is to pretend grief. 

2  by putting two and two together : to guess the truth from what you see, hear, etc
I put two and two together and came up with an idea of who did it.
The best option is to deduce from given facts. 

3 (c) to go scot-free : to go without receiving the punishment one deserves
Reena cheated in the test and got caught, but she went scotfree.
The best option is to escape without punishment.

4. (c) at the eleventh hour : at the last possible time l She always revises for her exams. at the eleventh hour.
The best option is at the last possible moment.

5. (d) birds of the same feather : people of the same sort 
Chayanika and Aadya are birds of the same feather.
They get along very well.
The best option is persons of same character.

6. (d) to fight tooth and nail : to fight in a very determined way for what you want
They vowed to fight the new legislation tooth and nail.
The best option is to make every possible effort.

7. (a) to call a spade a spade : to say exactly what you think without trying to hide your opinion 
Vinay is a person who calls a spade a spade and is fearless.
The best option is to be frank.

8. (d) a white elephant : costly and useless possession 
The new office block has become an expensive white elephant.
The best option is costly and troublesome possession, useless to its owner.

9. (b) to miss the bus : to unable to take advantage of something because you are too late
She missed the bus when she did not apply for the entrance exams, this year.
The best option is to miss an opportunity.

10. (d) an open – book : to understand somebody easily and know everything about him 
Your health secrets will be an open – book to anyone who can do an online search.
The best option is straight forward and honest dealings. 

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