English Language Quiz for SSC CGL of 31st March ( Error)

Updated Wed, 31 Mar 2021 10:58 AM IST

Direction(1-10):  Find out which part of a sentence has an error and indicate it corresponding to the appropriate letter. If there is no error, indicate corresponding to the last option

Source: English Quiz

 In decide to consider proposals for GM crop field trials only upon the recommendation of state governments, Centre has signalled a retreat in another arena of farm reforms.

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Option 1:  In decide to consider proposals for GM crop field trials

Option 2:  only upon the recommendation of state governments,

Option 3:  Centre has signalled a retreat in another arena of farm reforms.

Option 4:  no error. 

2: The 50% cap is breached a couple of years ago when an amendment was passed providing additional 10% reservation for economically weaker sections. 

Option 1:  The 50% cap is breached a couple of years ago

Option 2:  when an amendment was passed providing

Option 3:  additional 10% reservation for economically weaker sections. 

Option 4:  no error. 

3: When circumstances force India to adept GM crops in future, foreign biotech companies that have powered ahead during these two decades of domestic confusion will reap the advantages. 

Option 1:  When circumstances force India to adept GM crops in future,

Option 2:  foreign biotech companies that

Option 3:  have powered ahead during these two decades of domestic confusion will reap the advantages. 

Option 4:  no error

4: Expanding reservations have only lead to a hardening of narrow group identities.

Option 1:  Expanding reservations

Option 2:  have only lead to a hardening of

Option 3:  narrow group identities.

Option 4:  no error. 

5: Reservation has became a substitute for seven decades of underperformance in providing quality education to all. 

Option 1:  Reservation has became a substitute 

Option 2:  for seven decades of underperformance

Option 3:  in providing quality education to all.  

Option 4:  no error. 

6: This amendment has been challenged and other SC bench will hear the case.

Option 1:  This amendment has been

Option 2:  challenged and other

Option 3:  SC bench will hear the case.

Option 4:  no error.

7: India’s reservation policy no longer adheres to the spirit of the fundamental right to equality, as it exist in the Constitution.

Option 1:  India’s reservation policy no longer

Option 2:  adheres to the spirit of the fundamental right

Option 3:  to equality, as it exist in the Constitution.

Option 4:  no error.

8: Electoral power politics have often led to numerically dominant groups gaining at the expense of others in the reservation sweepstakes.

Option 1:  Electoral power politics have often

Option 2:  led to numerically dominant groups gaining at

Option 3:  the expense of others in the reservation sweepstakes.

Option 4:  no error.

9: The National Capital is likely (a)/ to be (b)/ experience moderate Fog. (c)/ no error. (d)

Option 1: a

Option 2: b

Option 3: c

Option 4: d

10: This year the festival has been(a)/  organised in virtual  mode (b)/and talent from every state has included.(c)/ no error (d).

Option 1:  c

Option 2: a

Option 3:  b

Option 4:  d

In decide to consider proposals for GM crop field trials

Explanation: In( pre) use gerund (deciding). 

ans 2:The 50% cap is breached a couple of years ago

Explanation: Use, was in place of is , according to ago. 

ans 3: When circumstances force India to adept GM crops in future,

Explanation: Use adopt in place of adept. 

adopt- choose to take up, follow, or use.

ans4:  have only lead to a hardening of

Explanation: Use (led) v3 used to lead (verb). 

ans 5: Reservation has became a substitute 

Explanation: Become (third verb) , have + v3 

ans 6:  challenged and other

Explanation: Another (additional) , in place of other

ans 7: to equality, as it exist in the Constitution.

Explanation: It(subject) is sinuglar , use verb (is).

ans8: Electoral power politics have often

Explanation: Electoral power politics (subject) is singular, use has in place of have.

ans 9: b

Explanation:  Here, be is superfluous. 

ans 10: c

Explanation: has been included is the correct answer. 

The structure of sentence should be in passive voice. 

Here, be is superfluous. 


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