English Language Quiz (Fill in the blanks)- 2-March -2022

Safalta Experts Published by: Annu Chaudhary Updated Wed, 02 Mar 2022 01:15 PM IST

Directions(1-10) : In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four. 

Source: English Quiz

1 Only the brave deserve the ______ .
(a) fare
(b) flare
(c) flair
(d) fair

2. You cannot lose what you ______ had.
(a) once
(b) always
(c) never
(d) have

3. We should go ________ doing more good than harm.
(a) on
(b) above
(c) about
(d) to

4. When we got home last evening, we found that the guest ______.
(a) have arrived
(b) has arriving
(c) is arriving
(d) had arrived

5. Neo-colonialism is ________ that persists even after the demise of the formal colonization all over the so called Third world.
(a) a monster
(b) a devil
(c) a satan
(d) an imp

6. The plane was ____ five hours late.
(a) evenly
(b) almost
(c) keeping
(d) allmost

7. His ____ tastes and habits explain why he is always in debt.
(a) thrifty
(b) extravagant
(c) moderate
(d) judicious

8. We offer ____ to all who ask.
(a) councillor
(b) council
(c) counsellor
(d) counsel

9. His and her talents are _____.
(a) complementary
(b) complimentary
(c) complementing
(d) complicating

10. The two families have been engaged in a bitter ____ for the past two decades.
(a) feud
(b) argument
(c) quarrel
(d) fight


Ans -1(d) fair (Adj.) : of pleasing appearance ; acceptable and appropriate in a particular situation
fare (V.) : to be successful in a particular situation -->  fare well/ badly/better, etc.
flare (V.) : to burn brightly, but usually for only a short time/ not steadily None but the brave (only the brave) deserve the fair is a Proverb : only the best deserve the best ; only a courageous and gallant man deserves a beautiful woman Here, fair is the right usage.

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2. (c) You cannot lose what you never had is a Proverb : you should not have lost something if you only wished that you had it to begin with
Look at the sentence :
Mary was never your girl-friend.
You haven’t lost what was never yours.
Here, never is the right usage.

3. (c) Here, about is the right usage.

4. (d) Here, Past Perfect Tense had arrived is the right usage.

5. (a) Here, a monster is the right usage.

6. (b) almost : not quite ; nearly.
Here, almost is the right usage.

7. (b) Here, extravagant is the right usage.
moderate (Adj.) : staying within limits that are considered to be reasonable by most people

8. (d) counsel (N.) : advice (by older people/ experts)
councillor (N.) : a member of a council
council (N.) : a group of people chosen to give advice, make rules, do research, provide money, etc.
counsellor (N.) : a person who has been trained to advise people with problems, especially personal problems.
Here, counsel is the right usage.

9. (a) complementary : (two things that are complementary are different but together form a useful combination. complimentary : expressing admiration ; given free.
Here, complementary is the right usage.

10. (a) feud : an angry and bitter argument between two people or groups of people that continues for a long period of time.
Here, feud is the right usage

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