English Language Quiz (Errors)- 30-March-2022

Safalta Experts Published by: Annu Chaudhary Updated Wed, 30 Mar 2022 12:32 PM IST

Direction : In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error. The number of that part is your answer. If there is No error, the answer is (4).

Source: English Quiz

1. The reporter (1)/ was unable (2)/ to illicit information from the police. (3)/ No error. (4)

2. Each of these boys (1)/ play (2)/ games. (3)/ No error. (4)

3. These all (1)/ mangoes (2)/ are ripe. (3)/ No error. (4)

4. The students were (1)/ awaiting for (2)/ the arrival of the chief guest. (3)/ No error. (4)

5. If you hear (1)/ engaged tone (2)/ replace the receiver and dial again. (3)/ No error. (4) 

6 Henry asked his wife (1)/ what had she prepared (2)/ for dinner that night. (3)/ No error. (4)

7. The news (1)/ I have received (2)/ is not good.(3)/ No error. (4) 

8. Who (1)/ arranged (2)/ the chairs ? (3)/ No error. (4)

9. People who live on (1)/ glass houses (2)/ should not throw stone at others. (3)/ No error. (4)

10. The library members were asked (1)/ to return back the books (2)/ to the library. (3)/ No error. (4) 


Ans 1:elicit will replace illicit
elicit (Verb) : to get information or a reaction from somebody, often with difficully
illicit (Adj.) : illegal; not allowed by law
Hence, elicit information from the police is the right usage.

2.  plays will replace play because – each/everyone/either/neither (Distributive Pronouns)/are followed by a Singular Verb (with s)
Look at the examples given below :
Each of the companies supports a local charity.
Everyone knows who stole it. 

3  all these will replace these all. Where there is more than one determiner (all, some, these, etc.) we put them in a fixed order.
Quantifier articles/Demonstratives (all, both, (a, an, the, this, that, same) these, those)
All the children were sleeping.
Quantifier Article None of those are mine.
Quantifier Demonstrative 

4 waiting will replace awaiting awaiting (somebody/something) : to wait for (somebody/something)
Look at the examples given below :
He is in custody awaiting trial. He is in custody waiting for trial.
Hence, waiting for/awaiting is the right usage.

5.  an/the (Articles) will be used before engaged.

6.  she had will replace had she because – in Indirect Speech, Interrogative Sentence, the Subject comes before the Verb.
Look at the examples given below :
She asked, “Where does Peter live ?” (D.S)
Subject Verb She asked him where Peter lived. (I.S.)
Subject Verb

7. (4) No error.
8. (4) No error.

9. (1) live in will replace live on

10. (2) return the books will replace return back the books
return (Verb) : to come/go/give back Hence, to return the books is the right usage

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