English Language Quiz (Arrangement of Sentences)- 17-March-2022

Safalta Experts Published by: Annu Chaudhary Updated Thu, 17 Mar 2022 11:32 AM IST

Directions : In these questions, the 1st and the last sentence of the passage are numbered 1 and 6. The rest of the passage is split into four parts and named P, Q, R and S. These four parts are not given in their proper order. Read the sentences and find out which of the four combinations is correct. 

Source: English Quiz

1. (1) Superstition and
(P) the supposed powers
(Q) thrive on
(R) magical practices
(S) of dreams to
(6) foretell the future.
(1) SPQR
(2) PSQR
(3) RSQP
(4) RQPS

2. (1) The stronger
(P) the phosphor
(Q) the more light
(R) of electrons
(S) the beam
(6) gives out.
(1) RPQS
(2) SQRP
(3) SRQP
(4) RQPS

3. (1) There are thousands of us
(P) former school and college friends
(Q) by some of our
(R) at the careers chosen
(S) who are surprised
(6) and their success in these fields.
(1) SRQP
(2) RQSP
(3) PQSR
(4) SPQR

4 (1) Ramani is a student of medicine.
(P) The hopes of millions of cancer patients and doctors rest on his research.
(Q) But, of late he has become a drug addict.
(R) He is doing research in cancer.
(S) He has already done very useful work in this field, and is hopeful of finding a solution to this disease.
(6) This addiction has been increasing day by day, and has started affecting his work.
(1) QPSR
(2) RSPQ
(3) SRPQ
(4) RSQP

5. (1) The internet has given
(P) to keep in touch with friends
(Q) and even allowed them
(R) students access to reams of information
(S) made it cheaper
(6) to attend universities remotely
(1) RPSQ
(2) RSPQ
(3) SRPQ
(4) PRSQ

6. 1. Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise
 P. But for the morning tea, I had to wait for someone to get up before me.
Q. This saying inspired me to rise early.
R. That day I was the first to get up.
S. One day I got up early in the morning.
6. One day I realised that it was a waste of time to get up early and wait for the morning tea.
(1) QSRP
(2) QPRS
(3) PQRS
(4) SPQR

7 1. A wood-cutter was cutting a tree on a river bank.
P. He knelt down and prayed.
 Q. His axe slipped and fell into the water.
R. God Mercury appeared before him and asked about the matter.
S. He could not get it back as the river was very deep.
6. He dived into the water and came up with an axe of gold.
(1) RPQS
(2) RPSQ
(3) QSRP
 (4) QSPR

8. 1. A dog stole a piece of a meat from a butcher’s shop.
P. He barked in anger.
Q. He ran to the jungle with the piece of meat.
R. He saw his reflection.
S. He crossed a river on the way.
6. He lost his piece of meat.
(1) QPSR
(2) QSRP
(3) QPRS
(4) SRPQ

9. 1. Ramai and Samai were two poor young men.
P. On market day they sold their labour.
Q. The lived near Mahespur.
R. On other days, they remained in the village looking for work.
S. They wanted regular work.
6. The headman gave them two plots.
(1) QPRS
(2) RPQS
(3) SPQR
(4) PQRS

10. 1. Roger wanted to become a doctor.
P. He put away enough money to pay his first year fees.
Q. They could not afford the fees.
R. Undaunted, he got himself a job in the dockyard.
S. However, he came from a poor family.
6. Once enrolled, he was recognised as a gifted student, and scholarships took care of the rest of this studies.
(1) SRPQ
(2) PRSQ
(3) SQRP
(4) QRSP


Ans 1:  (D) RQPS

Ans 2. (c) SRQP

Ans 3. (a) SRQP

Ans 4. (b) RSPQ

Ans 5. (b) RSPQ 

Ans 6 (a) QSRP

Ans 7. (d) QSPR

Ans 8. (b) QSRP

Ans 9. (a) QPRS

Ans 10. (c) SQRP

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