English Language Quiz (Active and Passive Voice)- 12-March-2022

Safalta Experts Published by: Annu Chaudhary Updated Sat, 12 Mar 2022 05:28 PM IST

Directions (1-10) : In the following questions, a sentence has been given in Active/Passive voice. Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/Active voice

Source: English Quiz

1. Drinking was ruining his life gradually.
(a) His life is ruined by gradual drink
(b) Gradually, his life is ruined because of drinking problems.
(c) Drinking problems caused the gradual ruin of his life.
(d) His life was being ruined gradually by drinking.

2. A small epitaph had been laid out by them in his memory.
(a) They had laid out a small epitaph in his memory.
(b) They were laying out, in his memory, a small epitaph.
(c) They lay out a small epitaph in his memory.
(d) They laid out a small epitaph.

3. The nurse is giving food to the sick boy.
(a) The sick boy gets food from the nurse.
(b) The sick boy is being given food by the nurse.
(c) Food is given to the sick boy by the nurse.
(d) The sick boy is given food by the nurse.

4. He could have solved the problem.
(a) The problem could be solved by him.
(b) The problem could have solved by him.
(c) The problem could have been solved by him.
(d) The problem could solve by him.

5. Do not insult the poor.
(a) The poor are not insulted.
(b) The poor is not insulted.
(c) Let the poor be not insulted.
(d) Let the poor not be insulted.

6. Do not disturb me.
(a) Let me be disturbed not.
(b) Let me not disturbed.
(c) Let me not be disturbed.
(d) Let I not be disturbed.

7. Who will help me?
(a) By whom I shall be helped?
(b) By whom will I be helped?
(c) By whom would I be helped?
(d) By whom I will be helped?

8. Who has destroyed Nagasaki?
(a) By whom Nagasaki have been destroyed?
(b) By whom has Nagasaki been destroyed?
(c) By whom Nagasaki had been destroyed?
(d) By whom Nagasaki has been destroyed?

9. Arun has written a newspaper report on the inauguration of Delhi Metro Railways.
(a) A newspaper report on the inauguration of Delhi Metro Railways have been written by Arun.
(b) A newspaper report on the inauguration of Delhi Metro Railways had been written by Arun.
(c) A newspaper report on the inauguration of Delhi Metro Railways is written by Arun.
(d) A newspaper report on the inauguration of Delhi Metro Railways has been written by Arun.

10. The students have dedicated an issue of magazine to him.
(a) An issue of magazine had been dedicated to him by the students.
(b) An issue of magazine has been dedicated to him by the students.
(c) An issue of magazine have been dedicated to him by the students.
(d) An issue of magazine is dedicated to him by the students.


Ans 1. (d)
Ans 2. (a)
Ans 3. (b) 
Ans 4 (c)
Ans 5. (d) 
Ans 6 (c)
Ans 7. (b) 
Ans 8 (b)
Ans 9. (d)
Ans 10. (b) 

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